Basic calculations

Alternating current, impedance, reactance calculations

Signals, systems
Decibel, power ratio calculations

Inductors, transformers


Integrated circuits, oscillators, timers


Add unit prefix as a suffix to the number, for example: 1M.
This calculator will automatically add unit prefixes where appropriate. They will be added as a suffix to the calculated value. For example, 0.0012 V (1.2 mV) may be displayed as 1.2 mV, 1.2mV or 1.2m [V] depending on output field format.

Supported unit prefixes:
f p n u m c   k M G T P
femto pico nano micro milli centi (none) kilo mega giga tera peta
10-15 10-12 10-9 10-6 10-3 10-2 100 103 106 109 1012 1015
For squared quantities (for example areas), only the following suffixes are supported: u, m, c, k, M
For convenience, u is used instead of μ.

Version 0.99c (20250128). Using KaTeX 0.11.1 for equations. This tool is provided without any warranty. Use at your own risk.

Ohm's law

Enter two quantities, the third one will be calculated
$R = \dfrac{V}{I}$
Voltage V
Resistance Ω
Current A

Power (for DC circuits)

Enter two quantities, the third one will be calculated
$P = V \cdot I$
Voltage V
Current A
Power W

Power (for AC circuits)

Enter two quantities, the third one will be calculated
$P = V \cdot I \cdot \mathrm{cos}(\phi)$
$Q = V \cdot I \cdot \mathrm{sin}(\phi)$
$ |S| = V_{rms} \cdot I_{rms}$
Input quantities:
Voltage V
Current A
Phase angle
Output quantities:
Real (active) power W
Reactive power var
Apparent power VA

E6/E12/E24/E48/E96 series (IEC 60063 standard)

Input quantities:
Output quantities:
Closest lower or equal match
Closest higher or equal match
Closest match

LED resistor calculator

$R = \dfrac{V_{in}-V_{LED}}{I_{LED}}$
Input quantities:
Desired current A
Input voltage V
LED voltage V
Resistor series:
Output quantities:
Calculated resistance--- [Ω]
Calculated dissipation--- [W]
Nearest bigger resistor:--- [Ω]
New LED current*:--- [A]
* with nearest bigger resistor

Capacitance, 3 digit code conversion

Enter either capacitance or code, the other value will be auto-calculated
Allowable range: 10pF to 99mF (although capacitors bigger than 10uF usually aren't marked this way)
Capacitance F
Tolerance letter B C D F G J K M Z
Tolerance value ±0.1pF ±0.25pF ±0.5pF ±1% ±2% ±5% ±10% ±20% +80, -20%

Capacitor reactance

Enter two quantities, the third one will be calculated
$X_C = \dfrac{1}{2 \cdot \mathrm{\pi} \cdot f \cdot C}$
Capacitance F
Frequency Hz
Reactance Ω

Inductor reactance

Enter two quantities, the third one will be calculated
$X_L = 2 \cdot \mathrm{\pi} \cdot f \cdot L$
Inductance H
Frequency Hz
Reactance Ω

RLC circuit impedance

$X_L = 2 \cdot \mathrm{\pi} \cdot f \cdot L$
$X_C = \dfrac{1}{2 \cdot \mathrm{\pi} \cdot f \cdot C}$
$Z = R + j \cdot 2 \cdot \mathrm{\pi} \cdot f \cdot L - \dfrac{j}{2 \cdot \mathrm{\pi} \cdot f \cdot C}$
$|Z| = \sqrt{R^2+(X_L-X_C)^2}$
If $X_L > X_C$, then $\varphi_i = -\mathrm{arccos} (\dfrac{R}{|Z|})$
If $X_L < X_C$, then $\varphi_i = \mathrm{arccos} (\dfrac{R}{|Z|})$
$|Z| = \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{\frac{1}{R^2} + (\frac{1}{X_L}-\frac{1}{X_C})^2}}$
$\varphi_i = -\mathrm{arctan} (\dfrac{R}{\frac{1}{\frac{1}{X_L} - \frac{1}{X_C}}})$
Input quantities:
Resistance Ω
Inductance H
Capacitance F
Frequency Hz
Output quantities:
Capacitor reactance--- [Ω]
Inductor reactance--- [Ω]
Impedance--- [Ω]
Imaginary impedance part--- [Ω]
Phase shift (I vs V)--- [rad]
Phase shift (I vs V)--- [°]

Resonant frequency

Enter two quantities, the third one will be calculated.
$f_r = \dfrac{1}{2 \cdot \mathrm{\pi} \cdot \sqrt{ L \cdot C}}$
Inductance H
Capacitance F
Frequency Hz

Critical damping (aperiodic) resistance for RLC circuit, LC characteristic impedance

Input quantities:
$Q < 0.5$ ($Q=\dfrac{R}{Z_0}$ for parallel circuit, $Q=\dfrac{Z_0}{R}$ for series circuit, $Z_0 = \sqrt{\dfrac{L}{C}}$)
Inductance H
Capacitance F
Damping resistance: --- [Ω]
Z0: --- [Ω]

Capacitor peak dv/dt, peak current

Enter two quantities, the third one will be calculated.
$I_{max}=C \cdot {\mathrm{max}(\dfrac{\mathrm{d}v(t)}{\mathrm{d}t})}$
Capacitance F
dv/dt V/μs
Max. current A

Capacitive dropper - average rectified current, sine input

This calculator assumes a sine wave input + a constant DC load voltage. For reasonable accuracy, set the limiting resistor value to ≤1/10 of XC at the selected frequency.
Using the resistance calculated through the classic XC calculation to calculate the current gives the RMS current value, not the average rectified value, will give inaccurate current & power (~10% error) with a constant voltage load.
The equation was obtained by integrating the average current (i(t)=C*dv/dt) using a "cut" sine wave according to the voltages, and was verified using LTspice.

$I_{avg}=4 \cdot f \cdot C \cdot (V_{p-in}-V_{load}) = I_{avg} = 4 \cdot f \cdot C \cdot (\sqrt{2} \cdot V_{RMS-in} - V_{load})$
Input quantities: 
Capacitance F
Frequency Hz
Effective (RMS) input voltage V
Load voltage V
Output quantities: 
Input voltage amplitude: --- [V]
Average rectified Iout: --- [A]
Power: --- [W]

Electrolytic, hybrid & solid polymer capacitor lifespan estimation

This calculator uses the "10-degree rule" (doubling the lifetime with every 10°C temperature drop - compared to the lifetime at the rated max. temperature given the specified ripple current and voltage - k1=2, k2=10) for "classic" liquid electrolytic/hybrid capacitors and the "20-degree rule" (10 times the life with a 20°C temperature drop - k1=10, k2=20).

The estimation won't be particularly accurate at temperatures under 40°C. Also, the lifespan will be much lower at higher currents than specified, at lower currents, it will be higher - refer to manufacturer normograms/datasheets/app-notes for such cases, or the paragraph below.

Optional input - Alternatively, ΔTC-norm (core self-heating over ambient temperature at rated current, depends on exact capacitor, can be about 5-20 degrees), the rated RMS current at the specified frequency, and the actual load current can be used to calculate lifespan at different currents.

The equations and results were checked against application notes and datasheets provided by big capacitor manufacturers such as Rubycon, TDK or Capxon and were found to be reasonably accurate and universal. No endorsement of this calculator by any of these companies is implied. This calculator should be used as a reference, for guaranteed values, check data provided by the manufacturer.

$life_{actual} = life_{rated} \cdot {k_{1}^{\Bigl(\dfrac{T_{A-rated}-T_{A-actual}}{k_2}\Bigr)}} \\[1.2em] \textrm {or: } life_{actual} = life_{rated} \cdot {k_{1}^ {\Bigl(\dfrac{T_{A-rated}-T_{A-actual} + \Delta T_{C-norm} \cdot (1 - (\frac{I_{actual}}{I_{rated}})^2) }{k_2}\Bigr) } } $
Input quantities: 
Rated temperature °C
Rated lifespan hours
Actual temperature °C
Capacitor type:
Optional input quantities: 
Custom coefficient k1
Custom coefficient k2 °C
Custom ΔTC-norm, Irated, Iactual
Core self-heating at rated current °C
Rated current at rated temperature A
Actual current A
Output quantities: 
Expected lifetime --- [hours] (--- [days])

Sine wave dv/dt (di/dt)

Enter two quantities, the other one will be calculated.
$\mathrm{max} \dfrac{\mathrm{d}v(t)}{\mathrm{d}t} = 2 \cdot \mathrm{\pi} \cdot f \cdot V_m$
Amplitude V (A)
dv/dt or di/dt V/s (A/s)
Frequency Hz

Sine wave amplitude ↔ RMS

Enter one quantity, the other one will be calculated.
$V_{pk} = \sqrt{2} \cdot V_{rms}$
Amplitude V (A)

Rise time, bandwidth

Select encoding/use, enter one quantity, the other one will be calculated.
Assuming first order system, 3 dB permissible attenuation at max. frequency, 10% to 90% rise time, some rounding is done.
NRZ/RZ = (Non) Return-To-Zero
$t_r = \dfrac{0.35}{BW} \mathrm{(RZ)}, t_r = \dfrac{0.7}{BW} \mathrm{(NRZ)}$
Encoding/use (RZ/NRZ/analog):
Rise time s
Bandwidth/max. freq.: Hz/Baud

RC low-pass filter

Enter three quantities, the fourth one will be calculated.
Input/output quantities:
Resistance Ω
Capacitance F
Frequency Hz
Attenuation dB
Output quantities:
Phase angle °

RC high-pass filter

Enter three quantities, the fourth one will be calculated.
Input/output quantities:
Resistance Ω
Capacitance F
Frequency Hz
Attenuation dB
Output quantities:
Phase angle °

Power ratio / decibel conversion

Input one quantity, the other one will be calculated.
$\mathrm{ratio (dB)} = 10 \cdot \mathrm{lg(ratio)}$
Power ratio

Voltage ratio / decibel conversion

Enter one quantity, the other one will be calculated.
$\mathrm{ratio (dB)} = 20 \cdot \mathrm{lg(ratio)}$
Voltage ratio

Power / dBm conversion

Enter one quantity, the other one will be calculated.
$P = 10^{(0.1 \cdot ({P_{dBm}-30}))}$

Inductor current rise

$\mathrm{\Delta}I = \dfrac{V \cdot \mathrm{\Delta} T}{L}$
Input quantities:
Inductance H
Voltage V
Δ time s
Output quantities:
Δ current--- [A]

Toroid inductance/turns

For more complex/universal calculations with more possible parameters, use "Gapped or ungapped inductor/transformer saturation current & inductance".

Enter either inductance or turn count, the other quantity will be automatically calculated.
$L = \dfrac{\mu_r \cdot \mathrm{\mu_0} \cdot N^2 \cdot S}{\mathrm{\pi} \cdot d}$
Input quantities:
Outer diameter m
Inner diameter m
Height m
Cross section (circular cross-section is calculated from the diameters)
Input/output quantities:
Inductance H


This calculator assumes a reasonably high μ and a closed magnetic circuit.

For more complex/universal calculations with more possible parameters, use "Gapped or ungapped inductor/transformer saturation current & inductance".

Enter four quantities, the remaining one will be automatically calculated.
$L = \dfrac{N^2 \cdot S \cdot \mathrm{\mu_0} \cdot \mathrm{\mu_r}}{l}$
Input/output quantities:
Rel. permeability
Cross section m2
Magnetic circuit length m
Inductance H

Gapped or ungapped inductor/transformer, inductance and saturation current

For ungapped inductors, leave l2=0, μr2=1. Relative permeability of air is 1.
$R_{m1} = \dfrac{l_{1}}{\mu_0 \cdot \mu_{r1} \cdot S}$, $R_{m2} = \dfrac{l_{2}}{\mu_0 \cdot \mu_{r2} \cdot S}$, $R_{m(tot)} = R_{m1}+R_{m2} \\[0.5em]$ $l_{(tot)} = l_1 + l_2$, $\mu_{eff} = \dfrac{l_{(tot)}}{S \cdot R_{m(tot)}}$ $\\[0.5em]$ $L = \dfrac{N^2}{R_{m(tot)}}$, $I_{sat} = \dfrac{l_{(tot)} \cdot B_{max}}{N \cdot \mu_{eff}}$ $\\[0.5em]$ $F_m = N \cdot I$, $\Phi=\dfrac{F_m}{R_{m(tot)}}=B \cdot S$, $L = \dfrac{\Phi}{I}$, $B = \mu \cdot H$, $H = \dfrac{N \cdot I}{l}$ $\\[0.5em]$
Input quantities:
Length 1 (l1) m
Rel. permeability 1 (μr1)
Length 2 (l2) m
Rel. permeability 2 (μr2)
Max. flux density T
Cross section m2
Turn count
Inductance: 0 [H]
Max. (saturation) current: 0 [A]
Total length: 0 [m]
Effective rel. permeability: 0
Max. magnetic flux: 0 [Wb]
Part 1 reluctance: 0 [H-1]
Part 2 reluctance: 0 [H-1]

Capacitor voltage rise

$\mathrm{\Delta}V = \dfrac{I \cdot \mathrm{\Delta} T}{C}$
Input quantities:
Capacitance F
Current A
Δ time s
Output quantities:
Δ voltage--- [V]


Enter three quantities, the other one will be calculated.
$C = \dfrac{S \cdot \epsilon_r \cdot \mathrm{\epsilon_0} }{l}$
Area m2
Distance m
Capacitance F

Capacitor charge

Enter five quantities, the other one will be automatically calculated
$\tau = R \cdot C$
$t_{total} = \tau \cdot \mathrm{ln} (\dfrac{V_{supply} - V_{initial}}{V_{supply} - V_{final}})$
$V_{final} = V_{initial} + (V_{supply} - V_{initial}) \cdot (1-e^{-t/\tau})$
Input/output quantities:
Capacitance F
Resistance Ω
Supply voltage V
Initial voltage V
Final voltage V
Time s
Output quantities:
Tau constant--- [s]
Initial current--- [A]
Final current--- [A]

Capacitor discharge

Enter four quantities, the other one will be automatically calculated
$\tau = R \cdot C$
$V_{final} = V_{initial} \cdot (1-e^{-t/\tau})$
Input/output quantities:
Capacitance F
Resistance Ω
Initial voltage V
Final voltage V
Time s
Output quantities:
Tau constant--- [s]
Initial current--- [A]
Final current--- [A]

Capacitor stored energy

Enter two quantities, the third one will be automatically calculated
$E = 0.5 \cdot C \cdot V^2$
Capacitance F
Voltage V
Energy J

ESR ↔ tan δ

Enter the frequency, capacitance and either ESR or tan δ
$ESR = X_C \cdot \mathrm{tan}( \delta)$
Frequency Hz
Capacitance F
tan δ [0-1]

Two transistor astable multivibrator

$\tau_1 = R_2 \cdot C_1$
$\tau_2 = R_3 \cdot C_2$
$t_1 = \tau_1 \cdot \mathrm{ln} (\dfrac{2 V_{CC}}{V_{CC}-V_{BE_{sat}}})$
$t_2 = \tau_1 \cdot \mathrm{ln} (\dfrac{2 V_{CC}}{V_{CC}-V_{BE_{sat}}})$
$f=\dfrac{1}{t_1 + t_2}$

Input quantities:
R2 Ω
R3 Ω
C1 F
C2 F
VBEsat V
Output quantities:
Frequency--- [Hz]
t1 HIGH (NPN off) time--- [s]
t2 HIGH (NPN off) time --- [s]

Astable 555 frequency/duty cycle

A duty cycle lower than 50% can be achieved by connecting a diode in parallel to R2.
$V_{ctrl}$ $=$ Control voltage $(\dfrac{\% \mathrm{~of~} V_{CC}}{100})$
No diode parallel to R2: $T_{low} = \mathrm{ln}(2) \cdot R_2 \cdot C$
No diode parallel to R2: $T_{high} = (\mathrm{ln}(\dfrac{1-0.5\cdot {V_{ctrl}}}{1-V_{ctrl}}) \cdot (R1+R2) \cdot C$
Diode parallel to R2: $T_{high} = (\mathrm{ln}(\dfrac{1-0.5\cdot {V_{ctrl}}}{1-V_{ctrl}}) \cdot R1 \cdot C$ (diode drop is neglected)
$T = T_{low} + T_{high}$
$f = \dfrac{1}{T}$
$\mathrm{Duty} (\%) = 100\cdot \dfrac{T_{high}}{T}$
Input quantities:
R1 (VCC to DIS) Ω
R2 (DIS to THR, TR) Ω
Diode parallel to R2
Control voltage % of VCC
Output quantities:
Frequency--- [Hz]
HIGH time--- [s]
LOW time--- [s]
Duty cycle--- [%]

Monostable 555 period

$V_{ctrl}$ $=$ Control voltage $(\dfrac{\% \mathrm{~of~} V_{CC}}{100})$
$T = -\mathrm{ln}(1-V_{ctrl}) \cdot R \cdot C$
Input quantities:
Resistor: Ω
Capacitor: F
Control voltage % of VCC
Output quantities:
Period:--- [s]

IR(S)2153(1)(D) frequency

$f \approx \dfrac{1}{1.4 \cdot (R_t+75) \cdot C_t}$
Input quantities:
Timing resistor: Ω
Timing capacitor: F
Output quantities:
Frequency--- [Hz]

UC3842, UC3843, UC3844, UC3845 frequency

The result may not be accurate if the timing resistor is lower than 5kΩ
$f_{osc} \approx \dfrac{1.8}{R_t \cdot C_t}$
Input quantities:
Timing resistor: Ω
Timing capacitor: F
Output quantities:
Oscillator frequency--- [Hz]
Output frequency--- [Hz]

TL494/KA7500 frequency

$f_{osc} \approx \dfrac{1}{R_t \cdot C_t}$
Input quantities:
Timing resistor: Ω
Timing capacitor: F
Output quantities:
Oscillator frequency--- [Hz]
Output frequency--- [Hz]

Voltage regulator feedback

Enter three quantities, the other one will be auto-calculated
$V_{out} = V_{ref} \cdot (\dfrac{R2}{R1}+1)$
UC384x (VFB)2.5V
R1: Ω (Reference drop)
R2: Ω
Reference voltage: V
Output voltage: V

MOSFET, IGBT, diode switching loss calculator, SEMIKRON AN1403 method

Calculate conduction loss separately (approximately IRMS*resistance for FETs, or IAVG for diodes and IGBTs). Gate drive loss is neglected.
The "scaling factor" KS is not included in the Semikron PDF. According to simulations, if a MOSFET has a certain switching loss with certain gate drive resistance (external+internal gate resistance) and it is doubled, the loss will be also roughly doubled (Ks≈2). The MOSFET coefficients also aren't present in the original PDF and were determined empirically through simulations. Switch and diode losses must be calculated separately.
Calculate turn-on and turn-off losses separately and add the results. Diode turn-on losses are usually neglectable compared to conduction and turn-off.

$P_{sw} = f \cdot E_{ref} \cdot (\dfrac{I}{I_{ref}})^{K_I} \cdot (\dfrac{V}{V_{ref}})^{K_V} \cdot (1 + K_T \cdot (T-T_{ref})) \cdot K_S$
Part type: Select "custom" to adjust Kx
Switching loss (energy) at Vref, Iref J
Reference current A
Reference voltage V
Reference temperature:°C
Current: A
Voltage: V
Junction temperature:°C
Frequency: Hz
Custom Ki:
Custom Kv:
Custom Kt:
Scaling factor:
Power dissipation:--- [W]

MOSFET switching loss estimation

Calculate conduction loss separately (approximately IRMS*resistance for FETs, or IAVG for diodes and IGBTs).
Switch and diode (internal diode - if it conducts) losses must be also calculated separately.
Don't forget to add prefixes, times are usually in nanoseconds.
The gate resistance effect (tr, tf depend on Rg) calculation is usable only if the gate drive voltage is close to the reference.
If only a light load is switched at a high frequency, it might be a good idea to add the D-S capacitance discharge loss. However, this capacitance might also reduce turn-off loss.
The coefficients were determined theoretically by linearizing the waveform and integrating instantaneous power through the switching times while rising/falling. Select "Custom" in dropdown menus to use custom Kl.

$K_g = \dfrac{R_{g\_{int}}+R_{g\_{ext}}}{R_{g\_{int}}+R_{{g\_{ext}}\_{ref}}}$
$E_{cap} = 0.5 \cdot C_{oss} \cdot {V^2_{ds\_{off}}}$
${E_{sw}}_{on} = K_c \cdot K_g \cdot K_l \cdot t_r \cdot {V_{ds\_on}} \cdot {I_{d\_on}}$
${E_{sw}}_{off} = K_c \cdot K_g \cdot K_l \cdot t_f \cdot {V_{ds\_off}} \cdot {I_{d\_off}}$
$P_{sw} = f*({E_{sw\_on}}+{E_{sw\_off}}+E_{cap})$
Switching frequency Hz
Reference rise time s
Reference fall time s
Turn-on drain-source voltage V
Turn-on drain current A
Turn-off drain-source voltage V
Turn-off drain current A
Consider gate resistor:
External gate resistance Ω
Reference ext. gate resistance Ω
Internal gate resistance Ω
Consider Cds:
Drain-source capacitance F
Turn-on load:
Turn-off load:
Custom Kl coefficient, turn-on
Custom Kl coefficient, turn-off
Custom Esw scaling factor KC:
Power dissipation:--- [W]

MOSFET/IGBT gate drive loss

$P_{gd} = f \cdot V_{gs\_s} \cdot Q_g$
Frequency: Hz
Gate voltage swing: V
Gate charge: C
Power dissipation:--- [W]

MOSFET, IGBT, diode, resistor conduction loss calculator

Enter only quantities related to the waveform and part type
This function is quite complex and not well tested yet, implemented only based on theory with few simulations, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
For simplicity, constant voltage drop + already rectified signal is assumed for diodes, constant resistance is assumed for MOSFETs.
${P_{D,IGBT}} \approx V_{drop} \cdot I_{ARV}$
$P_{MOSFET} \approx R \cdot I^2_{RMS}$
Multiply RMS value of sine/triangle by sqrt(2) to get RMS value of half-rectified sine/triangle
Sine$0.7071 \cdot I_m$$0.6366 \cdot I_m$
Triangle$0.5774 \cdot I_m$$0.5 \cdot I_m$
Square, D=0 to 1$\sqrt{D \cdot I_{high}^2 +(1-D)\cdot I_{low}^2}$$D \cdot I_{high} \\+ (1-D) \cdot I_{low}$
Part type:
Rectangular wave, low current: A
Rectangular wave, high current: A
Rectangular wave, duty cycle: %
Sine/half-sine current amplitude: A
Triangle/half-triangle current amplitude: A
Custom RMS current: A
Custom average rectified current: A
MOSFET on-state/resistor resistance: Ω
IGBT/Diode voltage drop: V
Power dissipation:--- [W]

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Function list:
  • basic calculations (DC power, AC power, LED resistor, Ohm's law, E6/E12/E24/E48/E96 series selector)
  • capacitor reactance, inductor reactance, RLC impedance, aperiodicity, resonant frequency calculation
  • capacitor dv/dt, maximum current calculation, tan delta to ESR converter
  • rise time ↔ bandwidth calculator
  • decibel to ratio conversions
  • toroid inductance calculator
  • capacitor energy and voltage rise
  • multivibrator, 555, TL494, UC384x frequency calculator
  • MOSFET, IGBT, diode switching and conduction loss calculator
  • capacitive dropper current & power calculator
  • ungapped & gapped inductor/transformer calculator, saturation current and inductance calculation
  • capacitor (electrolytic, polymer, hybrid) lifespan calculator
  • MOSFET/IGBT gate drive circuit power calculator
  • voltage regulator resistive divider calculator

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